Online Monitoring and Control of Grounding Resistance Using Grid Electrodes for Enhanced System Quality Nuha Nadhiroh, Isdawimah, Arum Kusuma Wardhany, Gilang Maulana Iskandar, Muhammad Fitra Juliansyah, Imam Mashudi
Electrical Engineering Department of Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
Mechanical Engineering Department of Politeknik Negeri Malang
The performance of the grounding system is strongly influenced by soil moisture, which is directly related to soil specific gravity. Changes in the moisture content of the soil will affect the size of the soil specific resistance, so the performance of the earthing system is also affected by the season. In the rainy season, the soil resistance is generally within the desired limits, but in the dry season, the resistance tends to increase. This research develops a system that uses a microcontroller as the main controller and the 3-pole-fall-of-potential method to measure earth resistance. The test was conducted by comparing the resistance measurement results between Earth Tester and the designed system, and analyzing the effect of adding water to the resistance. The system is integrated with Google Spreadsheet HTTP Server through ESP32 microcontroller and various sensors, allowing real-time monitoring of resistance. Kodular application is used as the monitoring software. The results show that the developed system has a measurement accuracy of 92.79%, with an error rate of 7.21% and a resistance measurement difference of 0.20 Ohm. The addition of water as a control variable proved effective in reducing the earthing resistance by about 3%. In addition, the fastest data transmission time was recorded at 9.04 seconds, while the longest time reached 25 seconds. Thus, the system is capable of monitoring and controlling earthing resistance with sufficient accuracy and in accordance with applicable safety standards. The system also proved effective in recording data in the Google Spreadsheet data logger, which is expected to reduce the risk of increased resistance in the earthing system, supporting more reliable and safe operations.
Keywords: control and monitoring, grid electrode, grounding resistance, IoT