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The existence and consistency of Halal Certificates in the Global Ecosystem of Halal Products and Services
Yusup Hidayat, Aris Machmud

University Al-Azhar Indonesia
Komp. Masjid Agung Al-Azhar
Sisingamangaraja Street
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110


The trend of the global community in the need for halal products and services from year to year continues to show a significant increase, for this reason, we need a marker for the halal-ness of these products. Halal certification is an absolute requirement for the eligibility of goods and services for Muslims, however, halal is not just a piece of paper or a halal logo, but more to the substance of the process and quality of halal guarantees. The formulation of the problem in this research is what is the position of the Ministry of religion in guaranteeing the halal-ness of products and services? The author uses a normative juridical research form with a statutory regulatory approach related to halal product guarantees. The author concludes that cooperation and synergy between institutions under the Ministry of Religion including the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (LPH) and MUI and the supervisory agency (BPOM) are crucial in ensuring the halal supply chain of products and services to maintain the halal ecosystem both formally and substantially.

Keywords: Global, Halal, Certificate, Substance

Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (yusup Hidayat)

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