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Economic Empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Leather Industry through Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Magot Cultivation
Asep Nana Rumana (a), Aviasti (b), Reni Amaranti (c), Anis Septiani (d*), Krisna Riyadi (e)

(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) Faculty of Engineering, Bandung Islamic University
Jalan Tamansari 24-26, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


The leather processing industry is always growing every year. However, at the stage of processing leather to become a raw material for a product, it produces a lot of solid waste containing hazardous materials used during the processing. There needs to be a solution to deal with the solid waste. Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Magot Cultivation is a technique that can be used as a solution to process solid waste from the leather tanning industry to have a high selling value. BSF maggot cultivation training is carried out for MSME actors in the Sukaregang leather industry. The results of the training conducted were 99% of the participants were very interested and would try to cultivate BSF in their respective places.

Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Leather Industry, BSF

Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective

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