Halal Tourism Business Analysis: Demand and Supply Sides Muhardi, Nandang Ihwanudin, Nurdin
Universitas Islam Bandung
The goal of this research is to understand the concept of halal tourism business. The analysis utilized in this research is a micro economic approach analysis, specifically related to demand and supply studies. The analysis unit in this research is a halal tourism destination located in Lembang City of West Java Province, Indonesia. The required data is primary data, collected through direct interview with the halal tourism developer, and the customer visiting the location. The results of this research revealed that halal tourism is optimally developed to fulfil the stakeholders^ requirements by paying attention to certain values such as integrity, professionalism, and target market-oriented values. Based on the demand perspective, it was revealed that the market require tourism product that can provide assurance on the perspectives of halal and virtue for the culinary products and services based on syariah concept. Based on the research results, we concluded that halal tourism possesses enormous market potential (demand), and highly demanded by the market- which is why the availability (supply) must be preserved and processed by using syariah values, including integrity and professionalism.
Keywords: Halal tourism, demand and supply, business
Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective