The Effectiveness of Socialization and Assistance For The Registration Of Halal Certification Of Leading Products For Local MSMEs In Ciburial Village, Bandung District-Indonesia (a) Economic Development Department-Faculty of Economic and Bussines, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung City, Indonesia Abstract This article aims to measure the effectiveness of business legality community service activities (CSA) through the socialization and assistance of Halal Certification in Ciburial Village. This effectiveness is demonstrated by increasing the knowledge and awareness of MSMEs in legalizing the Leading Product Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) - Ciburial Village. Based on the results of discussions with Ciburial Village, one of the problems of MSMEs in Ciburial Village is the lack of motivation in legalizing MSMEs to increase the competitiveness of Village MSMEs products. Implementation methods used include: field surveys, outreach, mentoring, distributing questionnaires, different tests, documentation and preparation of the final report. The measurement results show that this CSA activity is very effective with an effectiveness value of 94.18. The effectiveness of this activity was also strengthened by the results of PKM activities which showed that there were differences in knowledge and awareness before and after the activity. This difference is indicated by the results of the different test where Sig. (2-Mean Std. tailed) <0.05. This means that CSA has succeeded in increasing the awareness of MSMEs to register their products for halal certification. Keywords: Village MSMEs, Halal Certification, Competitiveness Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective |
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