Performance Assessment of Efficiency and Productivity of Indonesian Micro Waqf Banks
Tasya Aspiranti, Ima Amaliah, Amir Shaharuddin

Universitas Islam Bandung


In the observation period from 2018-2021, the growth of outstanding financing only grew 6.5% per year and the number of outstanding customers only grew 4.91% per year and the number of stagnant micro waqf banks did not grow at 62. The purpose of this research is measure efficiency and productivity. The input data used are the number of outstanding customers, the number of Kumpi and the number of micro waqf bank offices. Meanwhile, output data uses the amount of outstanding financing from 2018-2021. The data is sourced from the micro waqf Banks annual report. As a result of data processing, using the CRTS method, waqf banks that have been efficient from 2018-2021 only reached 11-22 percent. Micro waqf banks that have consistently been inefficient from 2018-2021 are waqf banks in Riau and West Java Provinces. The inefficient waqf bank according to this approach is only 27.75. Overall, micro waqf banks have very low technological innovation.

Keywords: Efficiency, Technology, productivity, Waqf Bank

Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective

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