Readiness to Implement the Masjipreneur Model to Encourage a Mosque-Based EconomyPlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract Asnita Frida Sebayang- Fitroh Hayati- Ria Haryatiningsih- Elka Nabila Rahmadian- Shaffa Septiani Aisy
Universitas Islam Bandung
Local economic development innovation is always important to achieve long-term local economic resilience as part of efforts to achieve solid regional economic growth. The mosque-based economic model through the Masjidpreneur is an idea proposed to be implemented in various mosques in Indonesia. The strength of local institutions (mosques) is expected to become agents of economic change toward sustainable regional economic development.
This study explores the readiness of mosques in the city of Bandung through case studies. The case study chosen is the Al Arif Mosque which is located in the Surapati-Cicaheum (SUCI) T-shirt center. The method used is a combination method (mix-method) which explores the problem with qualitative methods through interviews and focused discussions and applies quantitative methods to measure the level of readiness. In the next stage, researchers apply an operational approach to solving problems through interactive learning with comparative studies.
The findings of this study indicate that the awareness to encourage a mosque-based economy, specifically Masjidpreneur, has reached the pre-planning level. The results of this rating measurement indicate that mosques need to learn to improve program actualization. The learning carried out was by conducting a comparative study of the Jogokariyan Mosque in Jogjakarta. This form of learning by solving problems benefits the management of the mosque. The Al Arif Mosque seems increasingly active in actualizing mosque-based economic programs through Sharia cooperatives.
Keywords: masjidpreneur, mosque, local economy, mosque-based economy, development
Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective