Assistance In The Halal Certification Process for Business actors Assisted by BPR Sharia Amanah Rabbaniah Nurfahmiyati, Kania Nurcholisah, Firman Shakti Firdaus, Umari Abdurrahim Abi Anwar, Hantoro Ksaid Notolegowo, Mochammad Zam Zam Al Baihaqi, Safina Allyanisa Hidayat, Adiba Nuha Rabbani, Anisya Aulia Fatonah
Bandung Islamic University
Assistance for the Halal Product Certification Process for Business Actors Assisted by BPR Syariah Amanah Rabbaniah. The problem faced by business actors assisted by BPR Syariah Amanah Rabbaniah is a lack of understanding of the importance of halal product certification and a lack of knowledge about the process of obtaining halal product certificates. This is due to lack
of information about understanding halal products and how to obtain halal
product certificates. Assistance in the halal product certification process is a
solution that is urgently needed by business actors assisted by BPR Syariah Amanah Rabbaniah. The PKM team attended and passed the Halal Product Certification Assistance Training conducted by the Halal Product Assistance Agency from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati which was held on 10-13 February 2023. This mentoring process resulted in a Halal Certificate for business actors assisted by BPR Syariah Amanah Rabbaniah. It is hoped that in the future this mentoring program can be applied to all business actors throughout Indonesia in accordance with the Indonesian government, on 17
October 2024 all business actors already have halal certificates.
Keywords: Business Actors, Halal Products, Halal Product Certification
Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective