Halal Business Model for Culinary MSMEs around Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA)
Asnita Frida Sebayang, Dewi Rahmi, Septiana Estri Ayu Mahani, Muhamad Adil Ihsan

Universitas Islam Bandung


Halal business model is a necessity for the MSME culinary business sector in the city of Bandung. Halal certainty for providing food and beverages is a consumer demand and is the obligation of Muslim entrepreneurs. Culinary business practices in the community around the UNISBA campus have been become an integral part of UNISBA campus. Culinary business is part of UNISBA^s stakeholders considering the importance of culinary business serving the academic community including students.
UNISBA as a higher education entity in the city of Bandung has a social responsibility to assist the surrounding business world to meet halal standards. The method used is a mixed method (mix method) qualitative-quantitative problem-solving approach. The series of mentoring activities aims to strengthen business capacity by increasing digital business knowledge including supporting marketing aspects.
A pre-test result indicates that there is 46 percent of culinary businesses around the campus still require assistance regarding the processing of halal certificates. Almost all of the trainees considered the training important and had a need to take care of halal certification. More than 90 percent of the trainees benefited from aspects of- procedures for managing halal certification, participants understand the procedures for halal certification with the regular method and self-declare, understand the grouping of materials.

Keywords: Halal business, business model, community service, MSMEs

Topic: Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective

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