Production of poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) from halophilic bacterium Salinivibrio sp. utilizing palm oil mill effluent (POME) as a carbon source
Wa Ode Sri Rizki, Enny Ratnaningsih, Rukman Hertadi

Biochemistry Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha no. 10, Bandung, Indonesia, 40132


The accumulation of plastic waste has become an emerging threat to the ecosystem. Reducing plastic waste can be done by using biodegradable plastics, with polyR3hydroxybutyrate PHB as a potential candidate. Here, we successfully isolated, characterized, and optimized the PHB production of halophilic bacteria from salt lake Gili Meno, Lombok, Indonesia utilizing palm oil mill effluent (POME) as a carbon source. Isolate from the deepest part of the lake produced the most PHB of 5.00 plus minus 0.75 mg per L. Optimization of PHB production by this strain resulting of about 21.6 times higher production in the medium containing 15 percent of POME, 5 percent of NaCl, as well as 0.1 percent of yeast and 0.1 of ammonium sulphate as nitrogen source. The bacterium isolated was identified as Salinivibrio sp. with 99.9 percent similarity to the 16S rRNA gene of Salinivibrio sp. YCSC6 Genbank accesion no. CP039516.1. The infrared spectrum of the biosynthesized PHB having a maximum decomposition and degradation at 442.4 degree C and 282.9 degree C, respectively. This PHB was revealed to have a strong tendency to form a sheet-like structure. This research indicated that the isolated Salinivibrio sp. has a high potential in PHB production with high thermal stability by utilizing palm oil industry waste and makes it suitbale candidate to reduce the problem of plastic accumulation in the environment. In addition, the use of POME would also be economically beneficial as POME was abundantly available waste in palm oil industries.

Keywords: poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), Salinivibrio sp., palm oil mill effluent (POME)

Topic: Bioteknologi

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