Performance Assessment of Jakarta Roads After The Existance of Supratman Flyover Using Pkji 2014 Method Yackob Astor (a*), Asep Sundara (a), Alman Rahadiansyah Willianto (a), Muhammad Raihan Nugraha (a)
a) Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga, Indonesia
The high population growth in the city of Bandung is linear with the increase in private vehicles that are not accompanied by updates or additions to appropriate infrastructure, so that vehicle density often occurs on Jakarta Road. Therefore, the Bandung City Government through the Department of Highways and Spatial Planning of West Java Province built the Supratman Flyover which connects Jakarta Road to Supratman Road with a function to break down congestion on Jakarta Road. However, congestion on Jakarta Road is still common. In fact, the accumulation of vehicles can be felt by the public in the lane before boarding the flyover. In this Final Project, an assessment of the Jakarta Road for traffic flow is carried out using an implementation that refers to the 2014 PKJI for urban road capacity. The parameters used in this road assessment are traffic flow and obstacles obtained through field surveys for 2 consecutive weeks. After obtaining primary data in the form of traffic flow and side barriers, then data processing was carried out and obtained the highest traffic flow on Thursday with a value of 4272 cur/hour, the criteria for side barriers with a frequency of 957 and included in the class of side barriers Very High, free flow speed with a value of 40.15 km/hour, capacity with a value of 4625.28 skr/hour, and the degree of saturation which determines the level of road service with a value of 0.92 which is at level E with unstable flow characteristics, speed sometimes stops, demand has close to capacity. Based on the performance values that have been obtained, alternative solutions can be used. namely the installation of additional prohibited stop signs, the addition of the number of water barriers to the right of the fly over which originally amounted to 2 fruit with a length of 2.54m to 10 pieces with a length of 12.7m, the replacement of the zebra cross into a People Crossing Bridge, as well as moving the bus stop in front of the KONI GOR to 100m before the GOR
Keywords: congestion, Jakarta Road, PKJI 2014, traffic volume, degree of saturation.