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Analysis of the Increasing Runway PCN value on the Growth of Aircraft Movement (Case Study: I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport)
Yackob Astor (a), Atmy Verani Rouly Sihombing (a), Asep Sundara (a), I Putu Dika Irvayana (a*)

a) Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40559, Indonesia


The rapid growth of the aviation industry has an impact on the increasing need for air transportation at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport which causes the growth of aircraft movements on the runway pavement, as a result the runway pavement often experiences premature failure because the load exceeds the bearing capacity. I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport is currently experiencing an overload condition because it has a PCN 83 F/C/X/T and the most critical aircraft operating, the Boeing B777-300ER type, has an ACN of 93.3 F/C/X/T. To respond to the growth of aircraft movements, an increase in the carrying capacity of the existing runway pavement is carried out to maintain the condition of the runway pavement in a reliable, sustainable and high-performance condition. This study aims to design the addition of overlay thickness to the existing pavement structure in an effort to increase the bearing capacity of the runway flexible pavement for a pavement design life of 20 years. The results of the analysis using the FAARFIELD and COMFAA 3.0 software are the flexible pavement of the existing runway at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport requires an overlay of 7.7 inches so that the pavement bearing capacity increases and has a PCN of 136.5 F/C/X/T so that able to serve the most critical aircraft operating the Boeing B777-300ER type for the next 20 years.


Topic: Civil Engineering

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