Flood Area Mapping and Flood Hazard Assessment Based on BNPB Head Regulation Number 2 of 2012 in the Utama Urban Village, South Cimahi Sub-District Enung (a), Yackob Astor (a*), Idmoneia Bianca Nugraha (a), Tety Tamariska Oktiara Bangun (a), Iin Karnisah (a), Frenki Tres Widyantoro (a)
Department of Civil Engineering, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia
Indonesia is the country with the most frequent floods with a total of 2,029 occurrences in 2021. West Java province is included in the region with the highest incidence of flood natural disasters in Indonesia with 57 flood points. Including the flood point in the South Cimahi Sub-District of Cimahi which is topographically a basin area and has the highest population compared to the other two districts. Floods that occurred in the Utama Urban Village of South Cimahi Sub-District have a greater economic impact because there are 115 factories operating there. Mapping of flood locations in the Utama Urban Village was carried out using updated satellite imagery data through topographic measurements and river dimensions. The measurement results are used as input for flood simulation using HEC-RAS software. Furthermore, the flood hazard assessment is divided into 3 classes, namely low, medium and high in accordance with the Regulation of the Head of BNPB Number 2 of 2012. The results obtained in the form of a flood hazard map based on the results of the HEC-RAS 2D modelling. Based on the modelling results, the area with low, medium and high hazard levels is obtained for each return period. The 2-year return period, namely 0.064 km2 (low)- 0.077 km2 (medium)- and 0.017 km2 (high), 5-year return period, namely 0.063 km (low)2- 0.095 km2 (medium)- and 0.018 km2 (high), 10-year return period, namely 0.066 km2 (low)- 0.104 km2 (medium)- and 0.019 km2 (high), 25-year return period, namely 0.056 km2 (low)- 0.118 km2 (medium)- and 0.023 km2 (high), 50-year return period, namely 0.06 km2 (low)- 0.123 km2 (medium)- and 0.024 km2 (high), 100-year return period, namely 0.059 km2 (low)- 0.133 km2 (medium)- and 0.029 km2 (high).