Discourses of Moslem-Friendly Tourism and Islamic Finance in The New Normal Era (Indonesia Cases) Gurel Cetin (a), Lucky Nugroho (b*), Caturida Meiwanto Doktorlina (c)
a) Istanbul University, Turkiye
b) Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta
c) Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta
The Muslim-friendly tourism sector in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic was one of the sectors significantly disrupted. Therefore, this conceptual paper aims to analyze how to develop Muslim-friendly tourism in Indonesia in the current new era to increase the number of Muslim tourists. Furthermore, the method used is qualitatively based on research questions which include (i) What is the role of Islamic finance in the halal industry chain in Muslimfriendly tourism- (ii) How to implement a digital chain ecosystem that supports business actors from the halal industrial chain. The result of this conceptual paper is that the existence of Islamic finance and digital ecosystems is very much needed. Therefore, the implication of this conceptual paper is to provide input and information to stakeholders who have the authority to develop Muslim-friendly tourism in Indonesia that there is a need for collaboration and synergy between
parties, especially in the Islamic finance industry.
Keywords: Digital Era, Finance, Halal Tourism, Post-Pandemic, Supply Chain
Topic: Business, Corporate Governance, and Accounting