Pavement Conditions Evaluation Based on Guidelines for Pavement Condition Index (Indeks Kondisi Perkerasan, IKP) with the assistance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Civil Engineering Departement, Indonesia Abstract Pavement condition evaluation aims to determine the condition of the pavement, especially in terms of pavement distress. The evaluation carried out manually requires the help of several surveyors and is not safe when field conditions are busy with traffic. In addition, the manual evaluation also takes more time. The location chosen for this research is the Bandung-Subang Road section in the Tanjakan Emen area. Assessment of the pavement condition begins with collecting literature studies and identifying problems. Then, a site survey followed with the preparation of aerial photographs and preparation of pavement condition assessment was carried out. After the preparation is complete, a road pavement condition assessment survey is carried out based on Pd 01-2016-B regarding the Determination of the Pavement Condition Index (IKP) manually and using a UAV. Data processing and accuracy tests of road pavement condition assessment were carried out manually and using a UAV. Based on the identification results that have been carried out, there were 12 types of road pavement damage with an average pavement condition index of 48.96 sample units for assessment by manual method and 50.09 for evaluation using UAV. Overall, from the manual IKP assessment and UAV, the average IKP accuracy test value for the sample units was 97.69% and the damage dimension accuracy test value was 91.55%. Evaluation of pavement conditions with the help of UAVs can facilitate the implementation of surveys in terms of safety and time efficiency. Keywords: UAV, IKP, Accuracy test Topic: Civil Engineering |
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