Physicochemical Properties of Kweni Mango Peel Extract obtained by Ultrasonic-Asisted Extraction on Different Applied Solvent
Asri Widyasanti (a,b*), Dannisa Fathiya Rachma (a)

a) Doctoral Program Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agro-industrial Technology, Padjadjaran University
b) Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem, Faculty of Agro-industrial Technology, Padjadjaran University


The use of ultrasonication technology can selectively remove the essential material^s component while also speeding up the mass transfer of the substance extracted. Ultrasonic assisted extraction provides various advantages, including reducing extraction time, increasing recovery, and providing high-quality extracts, especially for heat-sensitive compounds. Kweni mango peel is a by-product of mango processing. In order to boost the added value of mango skin, the extraction procedure can be utilized as an alternative way to exploit the content of aromatic compounds in mango skin, which have significant potential as raw materials for natural fragrance. The purpose of this research was to examine the physicochemical parameters (yield, specific gravity, colour) and composition of chemicals from the UAE Kweni mango peel extract in two distinct solvents, n-hexane and 96% ethanol. The research method used was a laboratory experiment. Sonicator probe was applied to Kweni mango powder (18 mesh) with solvent addition ratio (1:40 w/v), frequency 20kHz, power 500 W, amplitude 50%, maximum temperature 48 oC, and a 40 minutes extraction time. A control treatment of hot maceration at 48 oC was used. The results revealed that the UAE and maceration treatments on two types of solvents had considerably different physicochemical features (yield, specific gravity, values of L*, a*, b*, C, and Hue). With a yield of 46.81 %, specific gravity 0.817, L* 40.91, a* -6.25, b* 61.19, Chroma 61.51, Hue 95.83, the UAE treatment with 96% ethanol solvent produced the greatest extract quality. The 96% ethanol fraction of the UAE extract yielded 58 peaks, with three major chemical compounds: 4H-Pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl (8.46 %), 4H-Pyran-4-one, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl (0.46 %), and Carbonic acid methyl tetradecyl ester (0.36 %).

Keywords: Extract- Mango Peels- Physicochemical Properties- Solvent- Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction

Topic: Food Processing and Packaging

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