The Effect of Protiolytic Enzymes From the Papain of Papaya Sap (Cacica Papaya L) And the Streplin of Serut Sap (Streblus Asper L) with Different Temperatures of Enzyme Addition In Making Dangke
Marwah 1,a), Abu Bakar Tawali 2), dan Rindam Latif 2)

1Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
2Department of Agriculture Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

a)Corresponding author: marwahwawa63[at]


Dangke is an Indonesian cheese traditional made from processed buffalo or cows using papain enzymes from papaya sap (cacica papaya L), in addition to these enzymes, streplin enzymes from serut sap (streplus asper l) can also be used. The design used is a completely randomized design 2x3 factorial pattern with 3 replications. factor A is the type of coagulation material A1 papaya sap solution and A2 serut sap solution. factor B is the temperatures with the addition B1 30C, B2 45C, B3 60C. the best treatment is resulted in the administration of papain A1B1 and streplin ezyme A2B3.

Keywords: papaya sap, shaved sap, dangke, temperature, and time

Topic: Food Processing and Packaging

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