Effect Of Banana Maturity Level Cavendish (Musa Acuminata) and The Concentration Agar-Agar On Elasticity and Organoleptic Quality of Sliced Jam Products Enriched With Egg Shell Powder
Fatmawati Mustakin (a*), Mulyati M. Tahir (b), Nandi Kuswandi Sukendar

a) Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10 Makassar, 90245. Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Agriculture


Fresh bananas generally decline quickly during storage because of their water content and metabolic processes increase after harvesting. One alternative to extending the shelf life of bananas is to process them into jam products. Jam products that are available in the market generally have less practical use because they are applied by means of polishing, so it is necessary to innovate jam products in the form of sheets that are easy and fast serving. This study aims to determine the best formulation of agar against the elasticity of sheet jam, to determine the effect of adding banana pulp with different ripeness levels on the testing parameters of sheet jam, and to determine the best formulation that can produce Cavendish banana sheet jam with good and preferred
characteristics. panelist. The test procedures used in this study were moisture, pH, syneresis, crude fiber, and calcium tests as well as the organoleptic test of the triangular (elasticity) and hedonic methods (color, taste, aroma, and texture). Based on the test results, it was found that
the average moisture content of P1 (66.98%), P2 (60.80%), P3 (61.89%). pH P1 (7.13%), P2(7.06%), P3 (6.96%). Syneresis P1 (0.57%), P2 (0.63%), P3 (1.90%). Calcium P1 (1.21%), P2 (1.32%), P3 (1.08%). Crude fiber P1 (0.85), P2 (1.07%), P3 (1.26%). The conclusion obtained
from this study, namely the elasticity of the sheet jam product was achieved in the addition of agar as much as 3%. This addition results in fairly good elasticity properties, namely that it is not easily torn when lifted and pulled. The mengkal banana has a very important effect on
elasticity, syneresis and pH, but it does not have an effect on taste and aroma, while ripe banana has a very important effect on the taste aroma, and texture of the resulting sheet jam. The best formulation of Cavendish banana sheet jam is P3 treatment based on aroma, taste, texture, pH,
and coarse fiber parameters.

Keywords: Jelly, egg shells, elasticity, Cavendish banana, sheet jam

Topic: Food Processing and Packaging

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